Kevin Ciraolo – CAHE

Kevin Ciraolo

Radiation Therapy

Kevin Ciraolo

Radiation Therapy
Kevin Ciraolo is a Radiation Therapy student who is obtaining his B.S in Radiologic Science after the program from Saint Francis College.
CAHE: What did you enjoy most in the program?
Kevin: The one thing I enjoyed most about the program was having the opportunity to meet and learn from everyone I met these past two years whether It be from the advisors, staff, or patients.
CAHE: Why did you choose to attend the RTT program at the Center for Allied Health Education?
Kevin: I chose to attend the Radiation Therapy program at the Center for Allied Health Education because I am passionate about the field. I have had several family members who have lost their battle to cancer and seeing the role a radiation therapist plays during the treatment process inspired me to become one.
CAHE: What is the greatest lesson that you learned in the program?
Kevin: I have learned to persevere as a healthcare worker during my time in the program. During COVID-19 things were constantly changing at healthcare facilities across the world, and the dedication and compassion of all medical professionals allowed patients to still be treated. Coursework was also being modified, and taking on remote learning was also a new challenge we had to adjust to.
CAHE: What advice would you offer to a student who is just beginning the program?
Kevin: The greatest piece of advice I could offer a new student would be to make sure that you take advantage of all the resources at the school. Don’t be afraid to speak up when you have questions, you will constantly be learning throughout the program and everyone is willing to help you throughout the two years. The experiences you gain will aid you in becoming successful in this field.
CAHE: What is one piece of advice that you would give to prospective?
Kevin: One piece of advice I would give a prospective student would be to make sure that this is the field you want to enter. With hard work and dedication, you will be able to finish the program and have a fulfilling job that allows you to help others when they need someone the most.