Paulina Marlena Boguska, RDMS – CAHE

Paulina Marlena Boguska, RDMS

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Paulina Marlena Boguska, RDMS

Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Paulina is a graduate of CAHE's Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, currently working as a Sonographer in General and Vascular Lab at Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology.
We sat down with Paulina to discuss her experience in the program and the field:
CAHE: What inspired you to join the field of Diagnostic Medical Sonography?
Paulina: I had a few family friends in the medical field and when I asked for their advice, they told me about sonography and how they wished they went in that direction when they were younger.
CAHE: What is the greatest lesson that you learned in the program?
Paulina: I learned to believe in myself. The program is very intense and you may doubt your knowledge, but you get stronger and smarter with each semester.
CAHE: What is one piece of advice that you would give to perspective students looking to enter the field of Diagnostic Medical Sonography?
Paulina: Be prepared for very hard work and dedication. You have to be the best student you can be and gain the most knowledge you can in order to be a good sonographer. One misdiagnosis can cost a patient more than you know.