Our CAHE family mourns the passing of Mitchell "Mitch" Zaretsky - CAHE

Our CAHE family mourns the passing of Mitchell “Mitch” Zaretsky


It is with an overwhelming sense of sadness that we announce the passing of Mitchell “Mitch” Zaretsky. Mitch passed away on September 8, 2021 after fighting a short illness.

Mitch joined Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE) in 2006 and served as the Director of Development & Planning. Mitch was truly a change agent, whose leadership played an integral role in the growth of CAHE and the creation of Center Education Group. Throughout the years, Mitch became a friend to many of us, always genuinely concerned about how we were doing, and he will be sorely missed.

Mitch is survived by his wife Liliane, two sons, Eric and Jay, and grandchildren Ben and Maya.

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Center for Allied Health Education