Elina Beyn, B.B.A. – CAHE

Elina Beyn

VP of Enrollment Management - Licensed School Agent #2105-4776

Elina Beyn

VP of Enrollment Management - Licensed School Agent #2105-4776
Ms. Beyn has played a key role in the day-to-day admissions and enrollment processes at CAHE since 2014. With a firm commitment to both the applicant and student experience, she takes tremendous pride in the esteemed programs offered by the institution, as well as the quality of its graduates.
As a proud graduate of the Zicklin School of Business with a BBA in Marketing Management, Ms. Beyn has a firm commitment to customer service and personalized guidance. She believes in CAHE's mission of enhancing both the lives of the students who enroll, as well as the community which they serve.