Veterans Day 2021 - CAHE

Veterans Day 2021


Each November, we take the opportunity to honor and appreciate the sacrifices and selflessness of the men and women who serve in the American armed forces. Here at Center for Allied Health Education (CAHE), we are fortunate to have active and veteran service members. These students and graduates have made remarkable contributions to our country and we are proud that they are part of the CAHE family. This year, we’d like to acknowledge these individuals and learn more about the inspiration that leads them to pursue careers in healthcare.

Serwaa Gyasi, United States Army

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program (DMS-G 20-09)

I remember when I joined the Army, it was probably the biggest shock to my family because they knew me as the girl who kept to herself and just the thought of holding a weapon was perhaps delirious to me. I knew something was missing in my life. I just didn’t know what it was. I was attending college and living with my uncle who is a Master Sergeant currently in the Army and I would say he was my biggest inspiration. In the back of my mind, I had the medical field. I wanted to work in medicine which is when I came across this field and I immediately fell in love. During my travels, I saw that women’s health was nor practiced as much as it is in the U.S. I wanted to give back and the only way I could do that was to complete my education. Upon graduation, I hope to inspire other women in the military to also go for their dreams while also defending their country. It is possible in many ways. My goal is to complete my contract and serve the American people by caring for the men and women in uniform and their families. I would also further my education and attend P.A school once I build my experience as a medical sonographer.

Moises Guerrero, United States Navy

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program (DMS-EV 21-09)

I have always had a need to help others and a pull towards medicine to do so, after many years in medical field I chose Diagnostic Medical Sonography as the field to fulfill both needs. I applied to applied to CAHE because of its reputation for producing great medical professionals and exceptional sonographers. The courses are rigorous, and the clinical rotations are robust, these elements convinced that CAHE was the way to go. After I graduate, I would like start working in my chosen field gaining experience and expanding my skills to become as proficient as possible. Hopefully, I can help as many people get answers to their ailments and maybe some relief for themselves and their loved ones.

Joseph Hall, United States Air Force

Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program (DMS-EV 21-09)

I was a firefighter in the Airforce. As a firefighter, I had the opportunity to treat a variety of patients. Though those experiences, I developed a passion for helping people. I chose sonography because I wanted to help people in a meaningful way.

I applied to CAHE because of the level of support they provide. CAHE was the only school to reach out and help guide me through the process. That support system was instrumental in my acceptance into this program as well as my continued success.

I hope to become a fetal and pediatric sonographer, with the hopes of one day becoming a pediatric anesthesiologist.

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